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Soft Tissue Active Recovery Technique

Treatments      Testimonials    Practitioners

What is STAR Tech?    How STAR Tech Works    What STAR Tech Does    Why STAR Tech Works    Who Can Use STAR Tech?    How STAR Tech is Used?      Additional Uses for STAR Tech     STAR Tech as Maintenance   STAR Tech for Athletes    Your Pain Is Your Choice   Another Option

About STAR Tech

What is STAR Tech®?
            Soft Tissue Active Recovery Technique, or STAR Tech®, is a fast and effective system for treating the body's soft tissue including muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. It is a valuable healing tool for both acute and chronic soft tissue conditions which involve pain, inflammation, overuse and injuries. It is also a successful injury preventive and maintenance tool for soft tissue.
            Soft Tissue Active Recovery Technique is a remarkable healing system. Trained professional practitioners offer STAR Tech® treatments. A non-practitioner can self-administer STAR Tech® on a limited basis as well, using brief training and easy to understand  instructions.
            Much of the soft tissue (muscle) pain that we suffer daily is pain that can be eliminated by the relatively simple methods of STAR Tech®.
            STAR  Tech® treatments are offered to the public by its developer, Barry Bailey, MS,  LMT at his Therapeutic Massage Office in Maynard, Massachusetts. This office also serves the nearby communities of Stow, Concord, Sudbury,  Lincoln, Acton, Hudson, Marlborough, Boxborough, Bolton and Clinton. Additional Therapists in other communities offer STAR  Tech®  treatments as well.

 How STAR Tech® Works
             STAR Tech® works because it uses of the body’s own incredible built-in ability to self-heal. STAR Tech® uses the Mind-Body Connection to accomplish remarkable changes to soft tissue using the brain and muscle memory. The healing comes from deep within the body, naturally, using what Herbert Benson MD calls “Remembered Wellness”. The body WANTS to be well, and STAR Tech® provides the information and environment for the body to self-heal quickly and efficiently through remembered wellness. STAR Tech® stimulates the body to do what it was meant to do, heal itself. Healing and recovery with STAR Tech® is a completely natural process.
            Research shows movement provides a better healing environment than non-movement in many instances. Blood flow is necessary for healing to occur, and movement encourages and increases blood flow to the site being treated. STAR Tech® utilizes movement to remind the body that healing should take place. By using specific movement, pressure and breathing, soft tissue is identified  through a Mind-Body connection and provided with the information and environment it needs in order to self-heal.

What STAR Tech® Does
             STAR Tech® effectively addresses problems involving soft tissue including muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia. STAR Tech®, reorganizes and balances soft tissue, and speeds the recovery process for muscle tightness and pain, chronic muscle spasms, inflammation, injuries, trigger points, scar tissue and adhesions.
            STAR Tech® restores soft tissue to as close to its original condition as is physically possible. Unneeded scar tissue becomes thinner and more flexible and adhesions are broken up permanently with the use of STAR Tech®. The length of time a person has suffered a soft tissue injury or pain makes little difference when receiving a STAR Tech® treatment. So long as that soft tissue was at one time “normal”, the body remembers, and initiates the recovery process. Healing is often permanent. In some special rare cases, healing has been instant.

Why STAR Tech® Works
            STAR Tech® works fast because the brain works fast and recovery takes place through messages sent from the brain. STAR Tech® is based on the same Mind-Body connection mechanism that makes Active Isolated Stretching so effective. By using movement, manual pressure and tension, fast and often permanent re-organization of soft tissue is possible.
            Because healing is so fast, one treatment will accomplish measurable results if STAR Tech® is going to be an effective treatment tool.

Who Can Use STAR Tech®?
            Soft Tissue Active Recovery Technique can be practiced  by anyone who has a basic knowledge of anatomy and has a  working knowledge of muscles and other soft tissue. Professional Practitioners of STAR Tech® may include Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Doctors, Reflexologists, Fitness Trainers and Coaches. Workshops and one-on-one training are available for professionals.
            A number of STAR Tech® applications are also possible to do as a self-healing treatment. Individuals with no background in anatomy or training in bodywork can learn how to self-heal using the techniques that are a part of STAR Tech®. To learn about workshops that teach self-healing techniques see Workshops for the Public. The Public Workshops also present valuable information that can be used by Professionals who are offering STAR Tech® treatments to clients or patients.

How STAR Tech® is Used?
            Soft Tissue Active Recovery Technique is an effective treatment for essentially the entire body. It is used to treat jaw, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, back, hip, leg, knee, ankle and foot pain, to list some general applications. Soft Tissue Active Recovery Technique treatments address the entire person. For a more specific and complete listing of what STAR Tech® can do, see STAR Tech® Treatments.

 Additional Uses for STAR Tech®

 STAR Tech® Used as General Maintenance and Post Treatment Maintenance
            Soft Tissue Active Recovery Technique is both an effective healing and maintenance tool. Used post-STAR Tech® treatment or as an every day self-maintenance technique, STAR Tech® takes the body into healing mode and encourages it to remain there, acting as a gateway to general improved good health. STAR Tech® acts as a reminder to the body to process the self-healing of which the body is naturally capable of doing. In doing so, STAR Tech® strengthens the Mind-Body Connection and encourages slef-healing to take place.

  STAR Tech® for Athletes
            STAR Tech® is an excellent protocol to add to traditional Athlete Self-Maintenance and Sports Massage. STAR Tech® quickly increases and maintains flexibility and range-of motion. Athletes are able to train and perform harder and longer when STAR Tech® is used as part of their treatment and maintenance program.
            STAR Tech® is an effective treatment for sports injuries. Injuries heal faster when STAR Tech® is used as a part of the rehabilitation protocol.
            STAR Tech® effectively helps prevent re-injury by preventing the buildup of excess scar tissue during healing, and by helping to maintain the strength and flexibility of the muscles involved in an injury during the healing process.
            Active Stretching and STAR Tech® Healing are just as important for optimum athletic maintenance and performance as training, nutrition, rest and recovery.

 Your Pain Is Your Choice
           Life is about making choices. We live with what we have chosen. The self-motivated recipient of a STAR Tech® treatment (professionally treated or self-applied) is the individual most likely to see dramatic, positive results.
            Healing is not, and should not be a passive activity. Someone else does not heal you. Healing is most effective when the individual attempting to heal is involved in all aspects of the recovery process. By taking responsibility and initiating the Mind-Body Connection, you can take responsibility for your health, and amazing results are possible. You become empowered to change your health when you take responsibility for it. By systematically applying the techniques of STAR Tech® or not choosing to apply them, you decide to release yourself from injury and pain’s grip or to remain in pain and not heal. Your pain is your choice.

Another Option
            As with any medical treatment, no results are guaranteed when using STAR Tech®. But when the only choices offered you are “You will have to live with the pain”, "you will just have to adjust to your limitations", or a life of unrelieved pain, steroid hormone injections, or surgery/surgeries, STAR Tech® offers another option to explore.
        STAR Tech® treatments may be worth investigating as another method of healing and pain relief.

Treatments    Testimonials    Practitioners


"Let the
it can not
be done
not interrupt
the person
doing it."

"When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it,
you have
a moral obligation to share it with others." Chinese Proverb

STAR Tech is all
one's quality
of life!




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STAR Tech Healing and Learning Center
Bailey Therapeutic Massage
14 Nason Street, Suites 201-202
 Maynard, Massachusetts  01754
978  897-0110

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Latest update October 14, 2024