Healing of the future . . . Now! 

                                Home STAR Tech Treatments Testimonials Practitioners Learning Center Calendar Stretching Classes Workshops Products Biographies Bailey Massage Pain Relief Tips Free Events Useful Links Videos.htm       


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  Information only)

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What is STAR Tech?
 STAR Tech


        Barry Bailey
        Robin Smallen
 Learning Center
     About the Learning Center
     The Space
     Events and Offerings
     Teachers and Lecturers
 Master Calendar
Stretching & Movement
          Why Stretch?
          Active Isolated Stretching
          Pump Stretching
          Stretching and STAR Tech
          Stretching Classes
          Private Stretching Sessions
          The body wants to be well
          Stretching and Yoga
     Benefits of Stretching
     Stretching Classes
    Master Class Schedule
    Stretching Classes
    Class Descriptions
    Private Instruction
    Yoga Classes
    Class Descriptions

 About Workshops
 Master Workshop Calendar
 Public Workshops

     Corporate Workshops
     Calendar of Public Workshops
     Workshop Descriptions
   Training Workshops
      Calendar - Training Workshps
      Workshop Descriptions
    Barry Bailey
    Jack Casey
    Steve Thoman
    Ren Naylor
    Elizabeth Foley
 Pain Relief Tips
    Quotes of Note
 Free Events
    Workshops, Talks
    Other Events

    Photo Gallery
 Public Registration
    Form to download
 Training Registration
    Form to download

Useful Links
Complimentary Healing
    Training, various
    Men's Organizations
Bailey Therapeutic Massage
     Hours of Operation
     Treatment Fees
     Slumber Time Extension 
     About Bailey Therapeutic         
     About the Therapists
     Menu of Services
     Products Order Form




Calendar of all scheduled Workshops

Public Workshops    Professional Training

 All Workshops

Click on the Workshop title below for full information about that workshop.

Click here on Public Workshops or Professional Training Workshops
to take you to complete details on all of those workshops offered.

Click on Master Calendar to view a calendar which shows
all Workshops and Classes that are being offered in the near future.



Public Talk

Sunday, October 6, 2019
2:00 - 3:30 pm


Instructor: Barry Bailey, MS, LMT, Active Stretching Instructor/Coach

Click here on Public Workshops  for complete details about the workshop.




Public & Professional Training


January 8, 2017

2:00 - 4:30 pm


Maynard, MA

Click HERE for a full description of the class

Click HERE to view the Workshop Attendance status


Level 1
16 Hours
Professional Training Workshop STAR Tech Treatments for Arms, Hands and Lateral Shoulders
Instructor: Barry Bailey, LMT

9 AM
6 PM


Maynard MASS


STAR Tech Treatments for
Neck and
Medial Shoulders
Instructor: Barry Bailey, LMT

Level 1
16 Hours
Saturday TBA Professional Training Workshop


Treatments for
Knees, Lower Legs and Feet
Instructor: Barry Bailey

9 AM
6 PM



Sunday TBA STAR Tech
Treatments for
Back, Hips
and Upper Legs
Instructor: Barry Bailey

Check the Free Events Listings
As Well


About Workshops

    A Workshop is a one-time event. It can last an hour, several hours, a day, or two or more days.
    Active Stretching and STAR Tech® Workshops at the Learning Center are taught by Barry Bailey, developer of  STAR Tech®.
    Workshops include detailed explanations, theory and background of the information and techniques that are presented. For example, you will learn why pain happens, how to relieve it, and how to prevent it from recurring. Discussion of life style changes, diet and self-help techniques are also part of many workshops.
    Barry Bailey offers a variety of workshop topics. These Workshops are offered to the public as well as to professional Body Work practitioners. Most workshops involve a fee to participate, others are FREE.
     Workshop topics include methods for reducing, eliminating and preventing pain related to the neck, shoulders, arms, hands, back, hips, legs and feet. Techniques for regaining and maintaining flexibility and range of motion are an important part of many workshops. Some workshops offer an alternative to surgery. Suggestions on how to reverse the ageing process is often included.
    Workshops usually include take-home printed, illustrated instructions of the material that was covered in the workshop.
    Both Professional and Public Workshops are often suitable for satisfying Continuing Education Requirements for Professional Practitioners. Always check first with your governing body to make sure they will accept credits from these workshops.

Talks and other Events

    Talks, lectures and other health-related events are also offered at the Learning Center from time to time. Contact the Learning Center to be added to the mailing list announcing a new workshop, lecture and other event offering.

The Workshop Teachers

Workshops are taught by Barry Bailey, BA, MS, LMT, as well as by guest teachers who offer a variety of subjects.
See Biographies for details on each Instructor.

Favorite Links:
Aaron Mattes Seminar Series - http://www.stretchingusa.com
Bailey Therapeutic Massage: http://www.startechhealing.com/BMassage.htm

Public Workshops    Professional Training

This page last updated March 5, 2023


"Let the
it can not
be done
not interrupt
the person
doing it."

"When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it,
you have
a moral obligation to share it with others." Chinese Proverb

STAR Tech is all
one's quality
of life!




            Home STAR Tech Treatments Testimonials Practitioners Learning Center Calendar Stretching Classes Workshops Products Biographies Bailey Massage Pain Relief Tips Free Events Useful Links Videos.htm

STAR Tech Healing and Learning Center
Bailey Therapeutic Massage
14 Nason Street, Suites 201-202
 Maynard, Massachusetts  01754
978  897-0110

Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 all rights reserved    

Latest update June 25, 2024