Healing of the future . . . Now! 

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 Testimonials & Case Studies

STAR Tech® and Active Stretching have taken numerous people out of pain.

Below are comments and stories by individuals
who were treated with STAR Tech®  and Assisted Active Stretching,
or who learned Active Stretching or STAR Tech® self-healing in a class or workshop with Barry.

Trigger Finger, Osteoarthritis, Shoulder Injury

"Dear Barry,
I think about you often and am finally sitting down to express my deep appreciation for all that you taught me about active isolated stretching.
I still use the manual [Full Body Active Stretching for EveryBODY - The Illustrated Companion  (to the CD) Handbook by Barry Bailey], although I don't play the cassette anymore. :-), and during this time of COVID isolation and moving over an hour from Maynard to Brookfield, it has been especially useful.
I have had trouble with a trigger finger off and on for many years, but your hand stretching exercises have always made the symptoms disappear, usually for weeks or months. Recently in December, my osteoarthritis got suddenly much worse, not only in that trigger finger but in both of my thumbs. I began doing the hand stretching exercises but also isolating each thumb and the trigger finger giving them special stretching attention. I also upped my glucosamine, added tumeric/curcumin and Boswellia daily, started using a Solomon Seal tincture on the affected joints, and soak my hands in warm water a few times a day.
The combination has been miraculous! I still have pain in the thumbs at night pretty typical, and occasionally the trigger finger shows up, but I can now bend my thumbs again and mostly function without pain or at a very low level.
I also have used the Da Vinci stretch to help heal an injured shoulder and get those muscles functioning well again (with help from some PT exercises as well).
Just wanted to thank you again!
How are you doing?
With love.
Brookfield, MA
Massage client and stretching student
February 2023


"It's been like a new lease on life. I was expecting to be in pain forever."
"You gave me my life back! Thank you."
Health Professional who had lost his practice because of the pain that interfered with his work with patients. Using STAR
Tech® and evaluating his pain patterns, we were able to discover the cause of the worst of his referred pain and bring it under control. STAR Tech® professional treatments and STAR Tech® self-pain relief education allows this client to manage his pain, and he can work again.
August 2007

     "Anyone can have a stroke, at any time and for a multitude of reasons, and although I knew that fact, I was still surprised when I had a stroke at the age of 49 years.  Recovering from a stroke is hard work, first there is the hospital, and then rehab and then outpatient therapy—all of that work taking many months. 
     Unfortunately, even months into recovery I still did not find myself comfortable in my own body.  Many weeks of wearing a heart monitor in the hospital had stiffened my back.  I was still suffering from spasms in my diaphragm that made taking a deep breath nearly impossible.  The most frustrating problem, however, was the lack of connection between my brain and body—although I had technically regained most of my coordination, my body was so stiff and unyielding that it still could not respond to the directives of my brain.
     At the recommendation of my chiropractor, I started seeing Barry Bailey for Therapeutic Massage.  The immediate results were stunning.  My body relaxed, and the spasms lessened enough that my work with the physical therapists became productive.  My goal to strengthen my weakened muscles with weight training became possible because my visits to Barry helped to keep my body relaxed and pain free enough to do this type of work.  The most important result of my visits with Barry, however, was the improvement I experienced in my ability to coordinate the actions of body.  Each visit brought me closer to a person with a normal brain to body connection.
     Two years later I am still seeing Barry at regular intervals.  Although my story is one of success, with the requisite happy ending that includes a full range of motion and speech, I still experience certain weaknesses in my left side that makes low-level injury somewhat frequent.  Barry continues to work with me to relax and stretch my body where needed, using his talents and knowledge in therapeutic massage and Star
Tech® healing. 
     For anyone who has experienced a stroke, or similar incapacitation, I cannot say enough about the value of Therapeutic Massage in a course of treatment.  I also feel that the quality of care I receive at Barry Bailey’s Therapeutic Massage, in Maynard MA to be the best quality available, and I highly recommend their services."
Lisbeth C. Cahill
Massage Client
Concord, MA
April 2007


“I gladly gave Barry a testimonial for his new website several years ago when with kindness, patience, care and great expertise he helped me get free of shoulder pain that had made my life miserable for several years.

Now I am writing to express my gratitude for the amazing affect his massages have on my headaches and occasional migraines. Basically I could count on having a headache once a week, with some of them turning into migraines. But a few months ago I mentioned them in passing to Barry and he began working on my back and shoulders, finding points of tightness and tension that I wouldn't have associated with head pain.

And it worked. No more headaches. The real test came recently when a very stressful situation at work, normally a sure trigger for a migraine, came and went without giving me a bit of trouble. I strongly recommend Barry to anyone looking for relief from head pain.”
Massage Client since 2003
Maynard, MA

July 2009

Shoulder Adhesions 

   “After four months of standard medical treatment and physical therapy for tendonitis of my left shoulder, my range of motion was continuing to decrease while my pain level increased. I experienced a low level of pain almost continuously and my range of motion, without increased pain, was about 25% of normal. A friend with torn rotator cuffs in both shoulders recommended massage therapy and Soft Tissue Release.
    While I was skeptical, I was also desperate and made an appointment the next day with Barry Bailey. Barry quickly discovered that my shoulder blade was not freely moving due to scar tissue adhesions and proceeded to release them.
    It was an absolutely stunning experience for me to have inches added to my range of motion in seconds when some adhesions were released. After only one treatment my range of motion was increased to about 50% of normal and the persistent pain I had lived with for months was gone. The stretches that Barry prescribed and additional treatments provided me with a full range of motion, pain-free, in five weeks.
    I could not be more satisfied with Barry’s work. Not only is his high skill level evident, I found him very personable and the atmosphere relaxed and unhurried. I have recommended Barry’s services to several friends and relatives including my wife who he has treated for Plantar Fasciitis.”
(Massage Client)
Morris Jette
, CA
July 2005

Frozen Shoulder

  "I began seeing Barry in February 2003 for a badly frozen right shoulder, as well as for painful spasms deep in my left shoulder. Barry began using Star Tech as well as regular massage on both shoulders. At that time I was under the care of an orthopedic surgeon, who was giving me a combination of cortisone and Botox shots in my right shoulder...treatment that I was told needed to be undertaken once a month for four months. My doctor was aware that I was having these weekly massages, and was fully supportive.
    After just two months of seeing Barry once weekly, my right shoulder was 95% back to normal, and I was able to forgo the remaining shots. I now have full use of that shoulder. The problem with the left shoulder has proved a little harder to diagnose. However, the Star Tech massages and stretches Barry gave me have provided me with an enormous amount of relief from the pain.
    Barry's deep commitment to helping me understand my symptoms, relieve my pain, and heal---both through Star Tech and regular massage---has been invaluable. He has always ensured that I feel in charge of my treatment and has provided me with endless hours of emotional support as I have learned to cope with chronic pain for the first time in my life. I am positive that the massages, as well as the stretches he recommended, have allowed me to be able to continue to work, and be far freer from pain that I would have been had I not discovered him."
Massage Client
Maynard, MA
April 2004

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    “I can’t even pour a glass of milk for my (four year old) son, the pain (in my hands and arms) is so great.”
“The doctor says surgery is the only thing left (for my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome).” “Is there anything you can do?”
    After one thirty minute STAR Tech® treatment, the client reported, “The pain is 80 percent gone!"   
Massage Client

Back Pain

   “I can’t believe it. My back pain is completely gone (after 20 years). I always thought it was caused by my running, and I can’t give that up.”   
 Sports Massage Client
Stow, MA
 March 2001
Note: EL ran the Boston Marathon three weeks after experiencing his relief from back pain through a STAR Tech® treatment. His back pain did not return during his training or from running the Marathon.

“I feel lighter.” “My leg feels like blood is rushing through it.”       
Massage Client
April 2003

     " I have benefited from the unique care of Barry Bailey since l999 , when I was merely looking for a good Massage Therapist.
     What impressed me the most when I first met him and still does each time I go for a treatment, is the TIME he spends to fully understand what might be bothering me. Before any treatment, Barry asks many questions and thoroughly assesses the situation. Often he’ll research something before my appointment to further help with (his evaluation) and treatment.
     STAR Tech® has helped with several problems I have had over the years. I am a very active 50+ year old woman who often “Over does it” and unintentionally stresses and strains my body. Shoulder and neck pain is common. Basic massage along with STAR Tech® and stretching will relieve the pain and help me resume normal activity."  
Massage Client
Sally Eldred
Acton, MA 
May, 2004

Hip and Back Pain

     A new client came to me through the referral of a regular cycling client. The new client was suffering from pain that went from his right lower hip to his neck. In the past, he had received treatments from numerous different Massage Therapists and a Rolfer. When questioned about his first STAR Tech® treatment, as he arrived for his second  treatment, this 53 year old avid cyclist quickly responded “It was awesome. It felt like I got more benefit from seeing you one time, than 6-8 times with the other therapists I’ve seen”. He added, “the effects (also) lasted longer than (they did) other times.” “My body felt relaxed, calm and at peace.”
Massage Client
Concord, MA
October 4, 2007

 Ankle Sprain

    " I saw Barry with complaints of tightness and pain in my right ankle following a bad sprain. At the time of the injury, the doctor’s advice was (for me) to keep my foot raised, ice the ankle and (that) normal use would resume in time. However, after 6 months my ankle remained stiff and sore with some limited mobility.
     When I saw Barry, he examined my ankle range of motion etc. and performed STAR Tech® to help the ankle to recover to its original well condition.
     He also taught me stretching exercises and suggested techniques I could use at home to help loosen the area.
     Barry’s care brought relief and full recovery.
Massage Client,
Stu Eldred
, MA 
May 2004

Neck/Shoulder Pain

 “I can feel the (neck/shoulder) pain releasing with each stretch!”                                                   
Public Stretching Workshop Participant
Maynard, MA

"The pain in my thumb was completely gone by the end of the  workshop (yesterday)."  "I credit your AIS Workshop (last August) for my successful weight loss. It allowed me to be more active again."
Participant in Free Public Workshop
June, 2004

 “My legs feel lighter.”

Arm Pain

“I had arm pain for a few years and had been given many different conflicting diagnoses from Doctors and Chiropractors - from arthritis to stress, to age-deterioration, etc. 
After my STAR
Tech® treatments by Barry Bailey, the pain first lessened and now is gone.” (August 2005) 
Barry Plaxen
Bloomingburg, NY
Treatment August 2003

"I can feel it letting go a little with each stretch."
Massage Client
Sept. 2000

"My body feels like JELLO. It's very loose." 
Massage Client
Sept.9,  2004 after STAR Tech Treatment on hips

 “I felt younger after I left (the treatment room)." 
Massage Client
After STAR Tech treatment on left shoulder.

 “My hips feel much more loose.”

"Colors intensify after a session."           
Massage Client


Your e-mail made me reflect once again on how wonderful a week-end .. I had. Your workshop(s) really helped me to release both physical and and also emotional "tension" that I carry with me in my every day life.
You really  have an understanding of what "MAN-kind" needs in order to fulfill the core of who they are! I thank you from the depths of my gut for creating a safe place to express ones' self.
Luv to you always,
P.S. By all means you may use my face to post on your web-site for future men to come to know themselves as you have helped me to do."
Bill Cram
Preston, CT
Participant in the "Trust and Safe Touch" and "Full Body Active Stretching for EveryBODY" workshops led by Barry Bailey at the MMG 40, Massachusetts Men's Gathering, May 2009. http://www.massmensgathering.org/


 Favorite Links: 

Aaron Mattes Seminar Series - http://www.stretchingusa.com
Bailey Therapeutic Massage: http://www.startechhealing.com/BMassage.htm
Massachusetts Men's Gathering: http://www.massmensgathering.org/

Treatments    Practitioners

 This page was last updated March 6, 2023


"Let the
it can not
be done
not interrupt
the person
doing it."

"When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it,
you have
a moral obligation to share it with others." Chinese Proverb

STAR Tech is all
one's quality
of life!




            Home STAR Tech Treatments Testimonials Practitioners Learning Center Calendar Stretching Classes Workshops Products Biographies Bailey Massage Pain Relief Tips Free Events Useful Links Videos.htm

STAR Tech Healing and Learning Center
Bailey Therapeutic Massage
14 Nason Street, Suites 201-202
 Maynard, Massachusetts  01754
978  897-0110

Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 all rights reserved    

Latest update October 14, 2024